Stay Home

Stay safe

Nulla vitae pellente lacus. Inhabitasse and platea dictumst.

View Covid Prevention

Total Corona Statistics


Active Cases


Recovered Cases



222 333 00000

Call to Doctor for any emergency

Follow advice given by

Healthcare Provider

Posuere tellus imperdiet facilisis. Curabitur faucibusy tellus, eu semper nunc finibus placer Suspen potenti. Praesent vel sem in semv utate interdum Etiam eget nibh bibendum, consequat libero eget, facilisi lectus. Sed euismod enibh auctor lobortis potenti. Praesent vel sem in semv utate.

The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.

  • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue.
  • Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people.
  • Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household.
  • Protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus.

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How Coronavirus is


Pellentesque leo nulla, sagittis eget feugiat samet, blandit eget metus. Morbi dignissim risus tristique.

Air by cough or sneeze

Nulla vitae pellacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.

Personal contact

Nulla vitae pellacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.

Contaminated objects

Nulla vitae pellacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.

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Donec malesuada vitae ante non interdum. Nulla vitae pellentesque lacus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent tort erat, ultrices ac tempus id, ultricies eget purus

Things You Should Do

Wear a Mask

Nulla vitae pellente lacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.

Wash Your Hands

Nulla vitae pellente lacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.

Cover Your Cough

Nulla vitae pellente lacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.

Work from home if possible

Nulla vitae pellente lacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.

Things You Shouldn’t Do

Do not touch your face

Nulla vitae pellente lacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.

Avoid Contact with People

Nulla vitae pellente lacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.

Contaminated Objects

Nulla vitae pellente lacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.

Contaminated Objects

Nulla vitae pellente lacus. Inhabitasse platea dictumst.